As you can hear from our discussion, we have been talking about our research we have done and put it together to further utilise the data and make sense of it all.
I spoke about how I did some secondary research, by this I researched other peoples blogs about the Thriller genre, and the conventions that surround it. I understood how other people view the genre and how they understand it, this furthermore helped me to understand what exactly we need to do for our task. After, I talked about how I examined the mark scheme. There was a set of questions within the mark scheme that I began to look at and to understand. I answered the questions I could, some of the others required our product to be completed.
Aayush talked about his survey. His survey gave us a good insight on what the audience expect for Thriller films. We discovered that they like in terms of characters, people that reflect upon other peoples and themes in today's world. We are now thinking to try and apply this idea into our two minute thriller opening. We also found at that the audience like and expect to see fast camera cuts in Thriller films, so we will definitely be looking to apply this to our opening.
Benoit talked about how he examined the openings of some Thriller films such as 'Seven'. He talked about the things he saw and how the director chooses to execute the opening. Such as with Seven, there was a montage of graphic extreme images to make the audience feel uncomfortable, and to hint at the overall direction of the film. He has done the same task to other Thriller films for our research.
Jamie has been looking at the specific conventions in Thriller films, such as the camera angles and sound. He found out the main purpose of of Thriller films is to create suspense, and one way to do this is to use slow eerie music, along with slow paced shots. He also thought the main convention of Thriller films is the thing that creates the suspense